S$682 raised of


From 1 Donors


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Guest donated S$682
5 years ago

S$682 raised of


From 1 Donors

The Struggle

Mr Manial* is currently in a halfway house serving the remainder of his sentence due to narcotics offences. When Ray of Hope’s caseworkers met with Mr Manial, he spoke about his regret and wanting to turn his life around to be able to take care of his wife and children.

Mr Manial’s wife has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer (Stage 4) and is currently living with his elder daughter and her family. His wife also suffers from epileptic fits and is bedridden. Much of his family’s finances are going toward his wife’s medical expenses.

Give Hope – Help …

July 19, 2019

Mr Manial has found employment

Our case managers recently met Mr Manial. He informed us that he has just started working as a chef at a European restaurant. His wife is suffering from stage 4 breast cancer and the doctors have informed Mr Manial that she has between 6 months to 1 year left to live as the cancer is terminal.

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100% of your donation goes to Help Mr Manial with his medical costs
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Guest donated S$682
5 years ago